Factory Workers
Your job as a factory worker can be dangerous. Factory workers can experience work injuries such as broken bones from slips and falls and amputation injuries from getting caught in machines.
Read MoreUnion Workers
Union workers come from all areas of labor from steelworkers, to electricians, to stuntman, to cleaning people, to carpenters, to grocery stores workers and more.
Read MoreRetail Workers
Retail workers can experience work injuries such as fractures, repetitive strain injuries, overexertion and musculoskeletal injuries, injuries from violence and more.
Read MoreOffice Clerks
Office clerks can experience work injuries such a hand, wrist and elbow injuries, back, hip and neck injuries, due to improper ergonomics, repetitive motions or awkward work positions.
Read MoreSecretaries
Office clerks can experience work injuries such a hand, wrist and elbow injuries, back, hip and neck injuries, due to improper ergonomics, repetitive motions or awkward work positions.
Read MoreAirline Pilots & Workers
Airline pilots and other airline workers can experience work injuries such as neck and head injuries from extreme turbulence or collision.
Read MoreProbation Officers
Probation officers can experience work injuries from riots and take downs such as back injuries, neck injuries, knee injuries, head injuries.
Read MorePolice Officers
Police officers put themselves at risk every day because of the inherently dangerous nature of their jobs.
Read MoreTeachers and Teacher Aids
Teachers and teachers aids can experience work injuries such as repetitive strain injuries from typing on a computer, grading papers,
Read MoreLoaders & Unloaders
Loaders and unloaders can experience work injuries such as back injuries, shoulder injuries, knee injuries and more from moving and carrying packages, bags, suitcases and other cargo.
Read MoreConstruction Workers
Construction workers can face serious rick of injuries on the job. Such work injuries can consist of spinal cord injury, including damage that can cause paraplegia or quadriplegia,
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