Wrongful Death

Wrongful Death
Wrongful Death cases are cases that caused the death of injured worker. In a workers’ compensation case, the death/injury need not be caused by someone else since it is a no fault system.

Wrongful Death cases are cases that caused the death of injured worker. In a workers’ compensation case, the death/injury need not be caused by someone else since it is a no fault system. In workers’ compensation these cases may then seem obvious but are often litigated by insurance companies arguing the cause of death not being work related or litigated in an effort to minimize the statutory value. Questions need to be explored like how many partial or total dependants there are and whether there are any minor or disabled children. The family is also entitled to funeral expenses up to a statutory amount. Mr. Field has represented families where the injured worker died from auto accident, rollover truck accident, suicide, heart attack, secondary effects of medication, a fall from a tree and more. At Field Law Group, we work hard to seek justice for those who have suffered the tragic loss of a loved one.

You need an experienced attorney who can take you through the difficulties and limitations of the workers’ compensation system. The insurance companies are not on your side, so call Field Law Group, and say, "I want him to be MY WORK COMP GUY"

Call (424) 369-4555 today to discuss your claim in full detail.

We Will Fight for the Compensation You Need & Deserve.
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