Stress stemming from the workplace can cause debilitating conditions, strokes, heart attacks and in the most severe cases, death. They also cause chronic depression, anxiety and post traumatic stress-disorder. In certain circumstances, workers can make a claim for psychological stress relating to their jobs. These claims require more proof than other types of claims, and employers and insurers often fight them fiercely. Be sure to create a clear timeline of events that have occurred with specific examples. Be sure to document your witness list which is often needed to support a stress claim in trial. Field Law Group as represented stress claims of nurses, teachers, counselors, agents, officers and more. Because of all of this, you will need to have an experienced stress claims attorney on your side.

Stress stemming from the workplace can cause debilitating conditions, strokes, heart attacks and in the most severe cases, death. They also cause chronic depression, anxiety and post traumatic stress-disorder. In certain circumstances, workers can make a claim for psychological stress relating to their jobs. These claims require more proof than other types of claims, and employers and insurers often fight them fiercely. Be sure to create a clear timeline of events that have occurred with specific examples. Be sure to document your witness list which is often needed to support a stress claim in trial. Field Law Group as represented stress claims of nurses, teachers, counselors, agents, officers and more. Because of all of this, you will need to have an experienced stress claims attorney on your side.
You need an experienced attorney who can take you through the difficulties and limitations of the workers’ compensation system. The insurance companies are not on your side, so call Field Law Group, and say, "I want him to be MY WORK COMP GUY"
Call (424) 369-4555 today to discuss your claim in full detail.