Brain Injury
A traumatic brain injury can change the life of a person forever. Injuries to the brain are unlike any other type of injury and are not always detected by CT scans and x-rays.

A traumatic brain injury can change the life of a person forever. Injuries to the brain are unlike any other type of injury and are not always detected by CT scans and x-rays. Despite lacking physical evidence, brain injuries can have catastrophic consequences. It is incredibly important to have an experienced attorney on your side. The recovery process for a brain injury can be difficult and takes a toll on the victim as well as the family and caretakers. It is the goal of our office to help you through the process. Attorney Field has presented at the Brain Injury Conference. It is imperative that the injured worker gets the proper neurological assistance and rehabilitation to help deal with personality changes, loss of sensation and muscle coordination, memory and concentration problems and communication issues.

Common types of brain injuries include:

Gunshot wounds

Blow to the head

Whiplash injuries


Construction accidents

Slip and fall accidents

You need an experienced attorney who can take you through the difficulties and limitations of the workers’ compensation system. The insurance companies are not on your side, so call Field Law Group, and say, "I want him to be MY WORK COMP GUY"

Call (424) 369-4555 today to discuss your claim in full detail.

We Will Fight for the Compensation You Need & Deserve.
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