Amputation Accidents
An amputation is the loss of a body part, most often arms, legs, fingers, hands, toes, or feet. When a body part is severed in an accident it is called a traumatic amputation.
Read MoreFork Lift Accidents
Fork lift accidents are a common cause of work related injuries often leading to severe and chronic pain.
Read MoreConstruction Site
By their very nature, construction sites are dangerous, and those working at them are at risk of being accident victims.
Read MoreCatastrophic Injury
A catastrophic injury is one where the consequences of the injury permanently prevent an individual from performing any gainful work. In other words, after suffering a catastrophic injury, the injured worker can no longer maintain a job that allows them to support themselves or their family.
Read MoreSpinal Cord Injuries
Spinal cord injuries are catastrophic, life-changing traumatic injuries that affect the lives of the injured worker and their loved ones forever. Spinal cord injuries are not the same thing as a back/spine injury.
Read MoreWrongful Death
Wrongful Death cases are cases that caused the death of injured worker. In a workers’ compensation case, the death/injury need not be caused by someone else since it is a no fault system.
Read MoreBrain Injury
A traumatic brain injury can change the life of a person forever. Injuries to the brain are unlike any other type of injury and are not always detected by CT scans and x-rays.
Read MoreCumulative Injuries
Cumulative trauma injuries often occur from work activities which over a period of time result in a painful or disabling medical condition.
Read MoreAuto Accidents / Crashes
Road trips with the family. Transportation to and from work. A right of passage. A favorite weekend pastime undertaken along bucolic back roads. Driving means different things to different people. But one thing all drivers should have in common is the need to get from point A to point B without injuring themselves or others.
Read MoreStruck By Object
Being struck by a falling object can have serious consequences to a worker injured on the job and is one of the most common specific injuries in the workplace.
Read MoreToxic Exposure
Toxic exposure cases can have a devastating effect on the injured workers and family. These can cause injuries to the respiratory/pulmonary system, neurological system, cardiovascular system and more.
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