Auto Accidents / Crashes

Auto Accidents / Crashes
Road trips with the family. Transportation to and from work. A right of passage. A favorite weekend pastime undertaken along bucolic back roads. Driving means different things to different people. But one thing all drivers should have in common is the need to get from point A to point B without injuring themselves or others.

Car accidents can be considered work related when the injured worker was involved in the car accident while on the job regardless of whose fault it is. While an injured worker is not compensated for a car accident on their way to work and going home from work, “going and coming rule” there are certain exceptions that will find injuries related to a car accident compensable and work related. Some of those exceptions include if the injured worker uses their car for work, or if the injured worker provides a service for the employer like advertising or even when in the parking structure. Injuries from car accidents can be devastating to you and your loved ones. Immediate injuries may not be realized right away and where an injured worker feels certain symptoms come on days later. Car accidents can result in traumatic brain injury, neck and back injury and more.

In certain circumstances, if you sustain injuries while traveling to or from the workplace, your employer may still be liable. The questions to determine if an injury that occurs when traveling to and from work include are, for example, whether your use your vehicle for work, whether you were on a special mission given by the employer and whether you were doing a service for the employer like advertisement or taking workplace calls from the car.

Where there was someone else at fault, Field Law Group will connect the injured worker to a reputable personal injury attorney where the two cases work side by side and with one another. If you have been involved in an auto accident while on the job, you need experienced attorneys on your side. Field Law Group has the experience and knowledge to handle your car accident case.

You need an experienced attorney who can take you through the difficulties and limitations of the workers’ compensation system. The insurance companies are not on your side, so call Field Law Group, and say, "I want him to be MY WORK COMP GUY"

Call (424) 369-4555 today to discuss your claim in full detail.

We Will Fight for the Compensation You Need & Deserve.
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