Fork Lift Accidents

Fork Lift Accidents
Fork lift accidents are a common cause of work related injuries often leading to severe and chronic pain.

Fork lift accidents are a common cause of work related injuries often leading to severe and chronic pain. These accidents often occur due to a lack of proper safety training, inadequate training on the equipment, improper maintenance of the machine, or operator error.

Fork lift accidents often include forklift tipover, collisions, being run over by a forklift, being crushed between a forklift and a surface and struck by material falling from a forklift. Injuries often include back injuries, foot injuries, neck injuries, shoulder injuries and more.

You need an experienced attorney who can take you through the difficulties and limitations of the workers’ compensation system. The insurance companies are not on your side, so call Field Law Group, and say, "I want him to be MY WORK COMP GUY"

Call (424) 369-4555 today to discuss your claim in full detail.

We Will Fight for the Compensation You Need & Deserve.
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